Fiyat bilgisi için lütfen teklif isteyiniz.
8mm-114,3mm dış çaplı borular için hat üstü kullanıma uygun, kapalı orbital kaynak başlığı.
With its‘ dimensions, the weld head is the slimmest weld head in its‘ area of application worldwide. Due to the unique clamping jaw-concept (secured by utility patent), tolerances in the jaws can be absorbed. The material is a construction material known from the space flight and enables a long-lasting usage with these high-quality clamping –jaws. With the unique cooling water-guidance, the heat is lead away where it arises. Thanks to the separation of water and current in the hose package and also inside the weld head, it is possible to operate the weld head also without water cooling unit when the duty cycle is low. Especially on erection seams the handling of the complete system is eased due to the not necessary water cooling unit.
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